Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Meet Some Kindys

Here are Gloria and Kasey. They are in the Eagle Kindergarten Class and they speak English pretty well.  They are 7 years old in Korean, but are the international age of 6. Korea (and other Asian countries) counts their first year as age 1 and not zero.  They age with the New Year, not their birthday, so some kids can be up to two years older than in the US and other countries. 

Pencil cases are very popular here.  I already bought two! The kids don't use pencils with erasers on the end, they have a separate eraser (not unusual, I know). But when they need to erase something, they have to put down their pencil, unzip their pencil case, erase, then they put the eraser back in the case and re-zip.  Two seconds later, they need to erase again, so they go through the process all over again.  And all the students do this, even students in the higher grades.  Why can't they keep their erasers out on their desks?  I find this perplexing. 

When I saw them with their hoods on I made the mistake of telling them they looked like ninjas.  They acted like ninjas for the rest of the class and we didn't get any work done.

And here are Joseph and Leo in Dragon class.  They are 6 years old. They speak and understand some English but they still talk a lot in Korean.  I want to learn Korean just to understand what the heck Leo is saying!  He is so cute and very earnest when he is talking to me but I have no clue what he's saying. 

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